Friday, December 28, 2007

From Dud to Dating Success - How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Chat-up Blunders

Before you can even get to first base with your new found lust object you have to negotiate the difficult and nerve wracking chat-up process. Study these common chat-up blunders and make sure you don't make a mistake that will kill your chance of success with the opposite sex:

1. A bit of awkward silence is not the end of the world, so don't get too worried about you're going to say next. If you do, you won't be concentrating on what the other person is saying and you'll lose the plot.

2. In our self-obsessed culture most people don't listen - they just wait for their turn to talk about themselves. To make a really good impression all you have to do is listen. People really love it if you show some genuine interest in them.

3. To be a good listener you don't necessarily have to agree with everything single thing that comes out of their mouths just to be nice or to avoid conflict. You're entitled to your own opinion.
Tip! DO NOT POST IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in an online chat. This is rude because it is considered yelling.

4. Conversely don't constantly belittle or discount what the other person has to say. They are also entitled to their opinion, and needing everyone to agree with you is a sure sign of insecurity.

5. Be aware of your body language. Try to be relaxed and allow your body to be open to the other person (don't cross your arms for example). Some eye contact is good, too.
Tip! It is polite to introduce yourself to the others in the chat room. Just say “hi.

Charles Cuninghame is a website copywriter in Sydney, Australia, and an online dating enthusiast.

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