Friday, December 28, 2007

Welcome to the World of Webcam Chat - A Global Revolution in Communication

Here's how to get started...

The first requirement is a webcam. These are available widely on the high street or from online retailers and cost from around £25.00 in the UK, 36 Euros in Europe or $44 in the US. Most have headphones/speakers so you can talk as well as view the other person. After linking the webcam to your PC and installing the webcam software you then need some webcam chat software.

Chat software is available for free, MSN and Yahoo for example both have programs that allow you to chat using your webcam with audio and images.

A better option is to join one of the webcam chat networks. This means you join a community of registered users and have a large number of new people to chat to throughout the world. The free software provided by this network integrates with MSN Yahoo ICQ and AOL messaging systems so that you can add your own personal contacts.
Tip! It is polite to introduce yourself to the others in the chat room. Just say “hi.

A small yearly subscription charge usually applies to chat networks but after that there is normally no cost involved (apart from your internet service provider subscription) and you can chat whenever you wish with no time constraints. Certainly much cheaper than an international telephone call.

Beware of free webcam chat networks, they provide no security for members, are usually crammed with distracting adverts and the video and audio quality is generally poor and unreliable.

Chris Smith works developing 3 webcam chat networks: World Webcam Chat Webcam Chat (UK) Local Chat (UK)

Benefits of Integrating Online Chat Software with CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy and processes used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. CRM applications are traditionally developed as client-server software. The proliferation of the Internet and the Web has fueled the rapid growth of Web-based CRM or online CRM applications. Web CRM systems are widely deployed for Web based call center, contact management, trouble ticket, personal information manager and scheduling. As more and more corporations use chat software to provide quality customer support, many CRM vendors have built chat functionality into new generation of Web-based CRM systems.

The first generation of text-based online chat software was developed years before the World Wide Web (WWW) gained its popularity. The new generation of Web-based chat software is much more user-friendly and is powered with audio and video chat.

There're many benefits to integrate chat software into CRM systems.

1. Many customers have experience in using chat software

New technology is often challenged by user acceptance. Fortunately, online chat has been widely accepted by average Internet users. It is estimated that tens of million of Internet users login to online chat rooms regularly. In free adult chat rooms or free teen chat rooms, people talk about anything under the sun - love, pets, music and games.
Tip! Use your own nickname or fake name, not another person's name or nickname when you go into the chat room.

2. One customer service representative is able to support multiple customers at the same time.

It is common to wait 30 minutes or even more before a customer can talk to a support representative. With chat software, customers have a better chance of instant access to a service representative. One support team member may be able to chat with a few customers at the same time.
Tip! Get your child's login name and password for any chat rooms that they visit.

3. Chat software can automatically log a support chat session

Call center software is capable of recording support conversations. However, it requires extra cost to convert audio recordings to digital information that a computer can understand and extract valuable information from. Chat software, on the other hand, can be easily configured to automatically log a support chat session.

Bruce Zhang has over 10 years experiences in developing and implementing ecommerce and ebusiness systems in various industries. His latest research interests include ERP failures and ERP benefits

Making Internet Chat Safe For Your Children

No matter what you say or do, your kids will chat and use IM (instant messengers) over the internet. That's a given. But since you have the obligation to protect your children, be aware that there are parent-friendly software tools that can assist you.

Chat Watch

Chat Watch logs both sides of instant messages on AOL, ICQ, MSN, and Yahoo. Chat Watch features parental controls, chat scheduling, a chat acronym translator, and more. Chat logs can be automatically e-mailed to you, copied to a network computer, or uploaded to a remote server. Chat Watch is password protected and can run hidden in stealth mode and accessible by a hot key. Chat Watch allows you to monitor and be in control of your child's instant messaging.


* Log both sides of instant messages on AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, and Yahoo! Messenger.

* Chat Watch can automatically e-mail you the chat logs at a pre-set time.

* The chat logs can be copied to a network computer.

* The Content Monitor quickly highlights chats that may contain offensive words. Parents can add custom words to the content monitor watch list.

* Parents can set scheduling options that determine when chatting is allowed and when it is not allowed.

* Chat Watch can run in complete Stealth mode hidden to the user.

* Task Manager can be disabled while Chat Watch is running.

* Advanced Hot Key allows for the hot key to be a combination of three hot keys for maximum security.
Tip! When your discussion board or chat room becomes popular, you could sell advertising space on them. This will give you an extra income stream for your web site.

* Access to the chat logs is password protected.

More Information:


IamBigBrother records all of the internet activity for many programs including America Online, MSN, Outlook Express and more. And it logs all keystrokes typed in EVERY program along with screen shots. So basically IamBigBrother monitors EVERYTHING on your computer.

More Information:

SpyTech SpyAgent

SpyAgent gives you the power to log all websites visited, windows viewed, applications ran, internet connections made, passwords entered, documents printed, AIM/AOL/ICQ/Yahoo/MSN conversations made, documents opened, emails sent/received, and even capture screenshots of the user's activities. SpyAgent can be run on Windows startup in active monitoring mode with an optional splash warning screen. This allows you to have the option to let others using your workstation that they are being monitored (or not). A built in stealth mode is available to keep users from task-ending or knowing about SpyAgent.
Tip! Be familiar with the online chat topic that is being discussed on the site-especially on sites that have a theme.

More Information:

John Deprice owns and operates Deprice.Com. He reviews family friendly software at

Chat Rooms and Internet Safety for Your Kids and Teens

Chat rooms are very popular with kids and teens right now. Sites like and others can be a great way for kids to get to know other kids and teens who share the same interests as them. But, just as with nearly every other good thing, chat rooms have a dangerous side as well. Online predators, harassment, inappropriate language and other concerns can all be found in chat rooms that cater to kids and teens. So, before your children get online, you need to make sure that they understand all of the rules on the information highway.

Suggestions for Parents:

1. One of the best things that you can do to monitor your child's use of chat rooms is to have your computer in a public place. This will not only give you an easy way to check what they are doing, but you can limit their time online as well.

2. Since you cannot be watching your children constantly while they are online using chat rooms, you can purchase a software program that will monitor their use. Some programs can record "conversations," limit your child's time online, and even prevent your child from sharing personal information.

3. Have a discussion with your child to let them know the rules and then post the rules for using chat rooms and the internet. Make sure they understand and agree to all of the rules.

4. Get your child's login name and password for any chat rooms that they visit.

Rules for kids:

1. Never tell anyone what you look like, where you live, what your phone number is, or give out your full name.

2. Only use rooms that have a moderator.

3. If you see any language, pictures, etc. that are inappropriate or mean, talk to your parents or contact the moderator immediately.
Tip! You could allow other web sites who don't have a discussion board or chat room to use yours. You will get free advertising by allowing them to link to your online community.

4. Don't agree to meet anyone you meet online without permission from your parents.

5. Don't send your picture or anything else to anyone you meet online unless your parents agree.

6. Never give out your password or login information to anyone except your parents.

7. Ask permission before you have a "private chat" or IM.

Eriani Doyel writes articles about Chat Rooms. For more information about chat rooms visit

Dating Through Online Chat Rooms

Internet or online dating is a fantastic way to meet someone without having to face the bar or club scene. Going into a chat room you can get to know someone and talk to them, so that you can determine if you want to meet with them or date them in the offline real world.

You are able to communicate and get to know quite a bit about someone, without even having to leave your home. The physical appearance aspect is thus very much played down, giving both a chance to base attraction on deeper values.

The first impression you give, will be based totally on how you present yourself and communicate online through the words that you type. You need to be aware of some things for your own safety though. Luckily these are very easy to accomplish by being an anonymous computer user. Just use some common sense before meeting people in real life.

Always use a fictitious online name or "handle". Try and use an email address that can be easily changed or deleted. Never give out your work email address or your physical address over the Internet. This is not only to protect yourself from the person that you are chatting to, in case they have less than honest motives, but also from online lurkers. There are people out there, some very clever people, that will eavesdrop on your chat, and use any information they get to their advantage. This often happens without either chat partner even knowing about it. Use a "Hot mail, Yahoo or Gmail" account for this.

You should of course be honest about the information that you do put online. Your gender, age and city that you live in, are general enough, to be useless to hackers, but obviously important to your chat partner. Just avoid handing out phone numbers, addresses etc
Tip! You can make money by advertising your own products and services on your discussion board or chat room. You could also join other people's affiliate programs and make commissions advertising them.

Be honest when you're chatting with someone online. This is particularly important if you're chatting trying to find a potential date. Starting to lie about how you look, what you do, your interests, or any other personal information, would not be a great start to a potential relationship. Always think, what if this person is the one, would you like them to be interested in something that you are not, or the real you? Remember, you will eventually meet in real life if this goes further, how would you feel about someone that had lied to you? Give the same courtesy that you expect.
Tip! DO NOT POST IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in an online chat. This is rude because it is considered yelling.

Also don't expect too much from someone that you meet in a chat room. Remember, you don't know what they are really like so it's best to wait and not arrange an offline date after the first chat. Set up online dates a few times, for Internet chatting before you agree to meet in a public place for something innocent like a cup of coffee. Always leave yourself a way out at a first meeting.

Should you swop pictures with a potential date that you met online, do use a current photo that actually shows what you look like now, and not one from 20 years ago when you were prom queen. They want to know what you look like now.

So to sum it all up:
Tip! You could teach a free online class using your chat room. This will give you an expert status and increase traffic to your web site by offering the free class.

Avoid surprises, don't compromise your integrity in any way and get to know someone anonymously before venturing further into a potential relationship.

Remember keep on loving


Udo Vieth is fast becoming an expert on love and relationships, as well as being a qualified EFT and Biofeedback practitioner. Click for more information.

From Dud to Dating Success - How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Chat-up Blunders

Before you can even get to first base with your new found lust object you have to negotiate the difficult and nerve wracking chat-up process. Study these common chat-up blunders and make sure you don't make a mistake that will kill your chance of success with the opposite sex:

1. A bit of awkward silence is not the end of the world, so don't get too worried about you're going to say next. If you do, you won't be concentrating on what the other person is saying and you'll lose the plot.

2. In our self-obsessed culture most people don't listen - they just wait for their turn to talk about themselves. To make a really good impression all you have to do is listen. People really love it if you show some genuine interest in them.

3. To be a good listener you don't necessarily have to agree with everything single thing that comes out of their mouths just to be nice or to avoid conflict. You're entitled to your own opinion.
Tip! DO NOT POST IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in an online chat. This is rude because it is considered yelling.

4. Conversely don't constantly belittle or discount what the other person has to say. They are also entitled to their opinion, and needing everyone to agree with you is a sure sign of insecurity.

5. Be aware of your body language. Try to be relaxed and allow your body to be open to the other person (don't cross your arms for example). Some eye contact is good, too.
Tip! It is polite to introduce yourself to the others in the chat room. Just say “hi.

Charles Cuninghame is a website copywriter in Sydney, Australia, and an online dating enthusiast.

Internet Basics: A Chat Room is Like a Birthday Party

Ever been to a birthday party? Love 'em or hate 'em, birthday parties are something most of us have experienced at one time or another.

The invitations go out announcing there's going to be a party at such and such an address. You don't have to go if you don't want. You can show up early, or late, or leave halfway through. You can play with the others, then go off on your own, then join in later if you want. It's all pretty free and easy, really.

That's what a Chat Room is like.

Someone makes it known that if you use your browser to go to a specific URL address on the Web you'll find yourself in a Chat Room. You might need a special invitation to get in, or know a special password, or it might be open to everyone.

You can jump in anytime you want and be as active or passive as you want. If there's something you want to "say," you just type it in and hit a button. Instantly, everyone else in the Chat Room sees that you've "said" something (they really only see what you typed). Then they respond by typing in what they want to say. And so the chat continues just as quickly as everyone can type and read.

And if you don't like where the chat is going, you can pick up your keyboard and go home.

And that's why a Chat Room is like a birthday party.

Copyright (c) Grant Pasay 2005. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.

Grant Pasay is a professional website copywriter, advertising copywriter, and SEO copywriter serving clients in Vancouver, BC and everywhere. Grant is also the author of the FREE e-book, "The Internet Is Like A Refrigerator."

For copy that captures your business message without any of the hassle, go to

Check out Grant's FREE e-book at

The Secrets Of Chat Room Marketing Exposed

Chat Room Marketing is the use of online chat rooms to promote your product or service. Chat rooms are usually broken into categories. Find the right chat room where your targeted audience would gather. Create a chat room profile with your ad, business info, or signature file in it. Announce to everyone in the chat room something interesting or free that's offered on your web site. This will draw visitors to your web site. Always be aware of chat room rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered SPAM.

Send electronic messages to target people in the chat room that would be interested in your products or services. Start a conversation with them. After a few moments indirectly bring your sales pitch into the conversation. This is a great way to do one-on-one selling electronically. Do not directly SPAM them with your messages.

~Marketing With Your Web Site's Chat Room~

Just having a chat room on your Web site can create an online community and bring visitors to your Web site. Host a free online seminar in your chat room about a subject of your expertise. Use a chat room to meet with current customers if they have any questions or problems. Regularly schedule free events in your chat room. Schedule experts to speak in your chat room.

Host other people's chat rooms as an expert. Charge for doing this to earn extra money or just do it for free to gain publicity. Make sure your spelling and grammar is correct when chatting, so people understand what you are typing. Use some chat room emotions and acronyms to help people understand you're typing.

Use " :D " to show your laughing

Use " :) " to show you are smiling

Use " BTW " which means "by the way"

Use " FAQ " which means "frequently asked questions"

Use " IMHO " which means "in my humble opinion"

Use " LOL " which means "laughing out loud"

Use " TU " which means "thank you"

Marketing your products or services in chat rooms is a more personal way to gain new customers. Prospects are actually communicating with you instead of reading your ad. You may even make a few friends along the way.

About the author:

Rojo Sunsen is a specialized bounty hunter who prefers to work quietly/confidentially for the benefit of her clients.

10 Profitable Reasons To Add A Discussion Board Or Chat Room To Your Web Site

1. You'll be able to communicate with your visitors. They'll begin to trust you and get to know you on a more personal level. People will purchase products quicker from somebody they already know and trust.

2. People will revisit your web site to participate on your discussion board or chat room. They will meet other people with similar interests and your web site will become a hang out were they can chat.

3. You can learn important information about your visitors by reading the conversations they have. They may chat about your web site or products. With this information you could learn to market your products more effectively.

4. You could answer the questions your visitors ask in your online communities. You'll become known as an expert by giving the answers to their questions. This will give you and your business more credibility.
Tip! Educate yourself on chat room terminology so that you understand what others are saying.

5. You could teach a free online class using your chat room. This will give you an expert status and increase traffic to your web site by offering the free class.

6. When your discussion board or chat room becomes popular, you could sell advertising space on them. This will give you an extra income stream for your web site.

7. You can network with other businesses by having a chat room or discussion board. You could exchange business ideas, leads, advertising, etc.

8. You could allow other web sites who don't have a discussion board or chat room to use yours. You will get free advertising by allowing them to link to your online community.
Tip! You can network with other businesses by having a chat room or discussion board. You could exchange business ideas, leads, advertising, etc.

9. When you have a discussion board or chat room you can get free advertising by listing them in online community directories. You can also join web rings with similar discussion topics.

10. You can make money by advertising your own products and services on your discussion board or chat room. You could also join other people's affiliate programs and make commissions advertising them.

About the author:

Rojo Sunsen is a specialized bounty hunter who prefers to work quietly/confidentially for the benefit of her clients.

Chat Room Design with PHP and MySQL

n this article, you will learn how to design and develop a simple online chat room with PHP and MySQL. This tutorial explains every steps of the development, including both database design and PHP programming. Basic computer skills and knowledge of HTML and PHP are required. Ok, let's begin now.

Step 1: Design Database Table. Create table "chat" in MySQL database to store basic chat information: chtime (chat time), nick (user nickname) and words (chat message, less than 150 characters)

mysql> CREATE TABLE chat

-> chtime DATATIME,

-> nick CHAR (10) NOT NULL,

-> words CHAR (150);

Step 2: Design Structure. This simple online chat room includes the following four sections: user login, message display, message input and a main frame integrating the display and input sections. Thus, it needs the following four files to work:





Step 3: Write the code

1. login.php (just a HTML form)



<title>User Login</title>



Please input your nickname and enter

<form action="main.php" method="post" target="_self">
Tip! Never harass or threaten anyone in the chat room or use obscene or offensive language. It only shows your ignorance.

<input type="text" name="nick" cols="20">

<input type="submit" value="login">




2. main.php

setcookie("nick",$nick) //use cookie to store user nickname



<title>My Chat Room</title>

<frameset rows="80%,*">

<frame src="display.php" name="chatdisplay">

<frame src="speak.php" name="speak">



3. display.php

This file is used to get message records from database and display the results. To keep the size of database, old messages are deleted and only the newest 15 messages are displayed.



<title>Display Messages</title>

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=display.php">



//connect to mysql server, server name: main, database username: root


mysql_select_db("abc"); //abc is the database name

$str="select * from chat ORDER BY chtime;" ;

$result=mysql_query($str, $link_ID);


//get the latest 15 messages


//if the number of messages<15, get all of the messages

if ($rows<15) $l=$rows; else $l=15; for ($i=1;$i<=$l; $i++) {

list($chtime, $nick, $words)=mysql_fetch_row($result);

echo $chtime; echo " "; echo $nick; echo":" ; echo $words;
Tip! You could allow other web sites who don't have a discussion board or chat room to use yours. You will get free advertising by allowing them to link to your online community.

echo " ";

} //delete the old messages(only keep the newest 20 only)



$str="DELETE FROM chat WHERE chtime<'$limtime' ;" ;






4. speak.php






If ($words)

{ $link_ID=mysql_connect("main","root");

mysql_select_db("abc"); // abc is the database name

$time=date(y).date(m).date(d).date(h).date(i).(date(s); //get current time

$str="INSERT INTO chat(chtime,nick,words) values ('$time','$nick','$words');" ;

mysql_query($str,$link_ID); //save message record into database

mysql_close($link_ID); )


//the following is the message input form

<form action="speak.php" method="post" target=" _self">

<input type="text" name="words" cols="20">

<input type="submit" value="Speak">




Now, you have finished the design and coding of a simple online chat system. Put all the files into your website root and see how it works, :)

Rory Canyons is the founder of Fore more articles, scripts or tips for PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, PERL, XML, Java, JavaScript, Flash, CFML, Python and other web programming resources, visit

Chat Room Etiquette

Another piece of online dating advice written about a lot is chat room etiquette, how to behave while online in a chat room and how to use the room wisely, not giving out any bits of information about yourself which could be used to find you outside of cyber space, etc.

While most of this advice can be taken by anyone, there are some bits of chat room etiquette that are specific to online dating sites, where the objective is to eventually meet someone in the real world. In other online chat sites, a crazy or funky screen name may be funny, but in an online dating service, you had better be careful which screen name you choose. Trying to get a date with a vulgar screen name won't cut it, you'll probably get insulted out of the room, or the system operators could expel you from the member's only site.

Unless you are in a chat room which only accepts caps, do not type in all caps, this is considered shouting. Also, refrain from using wild, off color (like yellow) or hard to read font. Other users will not take you seriously, remember, you are in an online adult dating website, not one of your gaming sites.
Tip! It is polite to introduce yourself to the others in the chat room. Just say “hi.

It is also considered rude to try to engage someone in cyber sex while in an adult dating chat room, unless you're a member of one of the many cyber sex specific websites. A regular singles online getting to know you chat room will not allow cyber sex, and you could be censured or kicked out, so find out the rules of the dating online chat room that you are in before propositioning anyone.

Online chat room dating tip number two, is be nice to newcomers. Just as if you were invited to a party at a person's house whom you had never met, think of how the new person feels trying out an online adult dating site for the first time. Introduce them around and be friendly. Keep online with these etiquette tips and some one will notice you!
Tip! You can network with other businesses by having a chat room or discussion board. You could exchange business ideas, leads, advertising, etc.

Erick Shipmon has been an online marketer since 1997. He currently is the President and CEO of which is quickly becoming the hottest and most desirable online dating community on the planet. online dating services include: E-mail, Live Chat, Live Video Cam, FREE VoIP Broadband Long Distance, and more!

Introduction - From the Chat-Room to the Church

Do you think it's possible to find a long-term lover - even a life-partner - in the digital world?

I sure didn't.

I figured it was a great place to meet people for sex, for playing out romantic fantasies in a safe and non-committal environment. Quite frankly, I considered surfing on the Internet for love would be a big waste of time compared to trying to meet someone in relatively safe venues.

Let's just say that I spent a lot of walking through a park, shopping, or hanging out at a café waiting for Prince Charming to show up. I hung out at bars, joined special hobby groups and attended learning seminars in an attempt to meet someone who was like me.

How many people who threw themselves wholeheartedly into online dating sites have I called stupid over the years? I have lost count.
Tip! It is polite to introduce yourself to the others in the chat room. Just say “hi.

And then, after years of thinking that only married people wanting to cheat on their partners; desperate people who couldn't get a date; or psycho-stalkers haunted dating sites and chat rooms, I met the man who was to become my life partner…

From the Chat-Room to the Church

The two of us met in a psychic chat room. We both shared the same kind of interests in the occult, and this was a place that attracted people who were chatting about the tarot, psychics, and so on.

The first thing that really attracted me was his sense of humor, especially as he was studying to be a reverend. At first most of our conversation was kept on a friendship level.

Slowly, my topics of discussions focused on personal issues that I would only share with people I considered to be good friends. He heard a lot about my ex boyfriend who really had left me feeling empty inside about the whole relationship thing.
Tip! Have a discussion with your child to let them know the rules and then post the rules for using chat rooms and the internet. Make sure they understand and agree to all of the rules.

But one day he surprised me suddenly by saying "I'm eating a muffin here and I think I'm in love with you."

After more weeks of chatting, we decided to meet for real. He traveled to my city and stayed for two weeks. When we met in real life, we totally clicked on the first sight and there was no awkwardness.

We met on and off after that. And 15 months after first meeting online, we married. And I'm delighted to say, we're still happily married today!

Now you're probably wondering: was this just "dumb luck", or something more? And is Internet Dating a real option for finding true love, part of a growing trend?

Well, my story isn't the only one I know of. There seem to be a whole lot of people in my life lately who have met their mate online.
Tip! When you have a discussion board or chat room you can get free advertising by listing them in online community directories. You can also join web rings with similar discussion topics.

And it seems everyone has their own story to tell these days about finding love through the Internet.

However as Internet dating is still a relatively new concept, there just aren't many statistics available that tell us how well it actually ‘works'.

No big research institute seems to be keeping track of successes vs. failures or of the length of the relationship or marriage.
Tip! Educate yourself on chat room terminology so that you understand what others are saying.

Follow on to the next chapter in this ebook by going to Loveatadistance and find out more about online dating and long distance relationships.

Love at a

Debbie Anderson has written a many articles on Dating, Long Distance Relationships,Online Dating,including a SERIES called Love At A Distance. These articles and many others on similar themes such as Romantic Ideas, Are You Ready For Love, and Self Help can be found at Loveatadistance